Parent Resources
- How To Talk To Your Children About Death.pdf (PDF)
- Modified Grounding.pdf (PDF)
- Resources For Communicating With Your Child.pdf (PDF)
- Helping Your Children With Lying.pdf (PDF)
- Helping Children Handle Teasing.pdf (PDF)
- Stress Management For Parents.pdf (PDF)
- General Parenting Guidelines.pdf (PDF)
- Divorced Parenting.pdf (PDF)
- Parental Communication.pdf (PDF)
- Children and Chores.pdf (PDF)
- ABQ Area Resources Quick Guide 12-20-22 update (PDF)
- Resource List Zones 1-4 (PDF)
Gabrielle Anzures
Gabrielle Anzures
Employee Title
Employee Contact Information
School Information
Christina Romero
Behavior Redirector
Christina Romero
Employee Title
Employee Contact Information
School Information
APS Medicaid Enrollment
- 505-855-5261
ParentVUE Online Registration
Essential Classes Include P.E., Art, Music, Library, Counseling, Technology
Each essentials teacher often enhances core curricular studies in the classroom through art, music, PE, counseling, library and technology. By understanding each grade's units of study, we're able to focus our curriculum on grade-level topics. We might introduce a concept in the essentials class to expand on or enrich a grade-level study. Essentials classes tend to be very hands-on or project-oriented, so expanding a classroom study into art, music, PE, SEL or media provides access to content through a variety of avenues.
Growth Mindset For Kids
APS Attendance Calls
Many parents have called with concerns for the attendance letters and calls that they are receiving. The district is sending this after one absence in some cases to be in compliance with new state law. Please know that your child is in good standing with up to 9 absences in a school year. Please click the link below to view the State Statute. For a better understanding of where your child stands, use the green light, yellow light, and red light picture.